sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Chanel Je t'aime

OMG! Yes, it seems that the next season's collections are based on the best designer of all time (okay, exacerbates a bit). "Chanel Je t'aime" is a collection of totally based style of famous French designer, Coco Chanel (well known)। She brings clothes to waist high and marked, maxicolares, prints chess, the structured clothes, and the famous carrot pants, hats refined, scarpins, handbags and wallet style matelas, berets, shoes oxford style, and everything based on the fashion of the 80s and 90s. Chanel has said: "J'ai créé un style pour tout un monde। Recherchez dans tous les magasins le "style Chanel"। Il n'ya rien de semblable। Je suis esclave de mon style। Un style qui ne laisse pas de mode, pas de mode Chanel ." This explains everything huh?

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